The McLean Zone leaders, Elders McGill and Sackett called and asked if they could have a barbecue and activity at the mission home because they had challenged their zone members to some goals. They even surpassed those goals and so we , of course, said yes . We had a yummy barbecue and lots of volleyball, basketball, fuseball, pingpong, piano and visiting. What a great bunch of young adults.
The McLean Zone: Front: Elders Sackett, Tamir, Hoffer, Bramwell, Kelley, and McGill, Back Row: Pres. A. Elders Key, Dastrup, Marcos McClellan, Sister Bolorsaikhan and Bagley, Elders Bullock and Pomeroy. (Missing are Elder Franzwa and Campbell who had an investigator call and ask them to come over on their way to the party and they chose the "better part")
Mission home back yard
A full table: Elder McClellan, Dastrup, Pomeroy, Kelley, McGill, Bramwell,Sis Bagley, and Bolorsaikhan, Elders Hoffer, Bullock, Sackett, and Stockham.
Our two Mongolian Elders: Key and Tamir
The great chefs: Elders Ford and Stockham
Mini Missionary McClellan
Elder Kelley and McGill
Elders Bullock and Pomeroy
Elder McGill
Elder Hoffer
Sister Bolorsaikhan and Bagley
Elders McGill and Bramwell play ping pong
Elder Sackett and Bullock
Elder McClellan and Dastrup