Funny Story. I drove in with Jordan and Pilar to spend the day in DC. John and Mark were at meetings. We were so lucky. We found a parking spot right in back of the museum. We crossed the street and had no line for the Archives. Saw the Bill of Rights, The Declaration, and The Constitution. We went to the Natural History Museum and spend quite a while there. Then we went out the front doors to the National Mall and saw the monuments. They really wanted to see the Holocost Museum and so we walked A LONG WAYS to it at the far end of the mall and when we got there all the tickets for the day were gone.
So we walked ALL the way back to the car. And it was GONE. We had not read the parking sign which said this lane became a travel lane at 4:30-7:00. Mark came to the rescue while we ate hotdogs on the mall and then we went on a wild goose chase looking for the car. Directed here and there and 20 miles out of town. And then as we drove up to an impound lot just as it was closing this woman gave us a phone # and said they would know where the car was. So I called the # and was told "Oh yes, we just tow the cars around the corner out of the way of traffic. So we drove back to DC and there it was just a few feet from where it was left-- around the corner. Too bad I didn't click the alarm button, I might have found it. PRETTY FUNNY.
And Mark was calm, cool, and collected the whole time. Just like him. Thanks honey.
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