On Sat., Sept 19, 2009 President Albright Attended the leadership and adult evening sessions of the Fredericksburg Stake Conference. Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve was the visiting general authority along with Elder Smith of the quorum of the Seventy. During both sessions Elder Andersen invited Pres. Albright to speak. During the leadership meeting he had him speak on missionary work and the new program being rolled out by the missionary department. Then during the evening adult session he asked him to speak about temples. He did a masterful job as usual.
On Sunday morning we drove to Fredericksburg and arrived an hour before conference was to start and there were already people arriving to get good seats. The high school is a brand new building and very beautiful. The auditorium seats about 1300. It was filled and there were around 300-400 in the cafeteria. President and I were invited to sit on the stand. (A little overwhelming). And then half way into the program, Elder Egan (one of our very spiritual district leaders and myself were asked to bear our testimonies). Elder Egan has a testimony that radiates from him. He did a great job. I could feel my heart beating in my throat. I think it is much easier to give a prepared talk than something impromptu and from the heart. At least I didn't pass out. We have 24 missionaries serving in this stake and they all attended the conference. Many of them shook Elder Andersen and Elder Smith's hands. After the session we got some of our missionaries to have pictures taken with Elder Andersen and Elder Smith who is a member of the Seventy. This was a special experience for the missionaries and a memory they will treasure for their whole lives. It was so amazing how Elder Andersen wanted the missionaries to each have their own picture and he put his arms on each of their shoulders. It just showed me how much he loved each one of them and really cared.
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