Elders Gannaway, Langi, and Stimpson
Sisters Lau, Hahn and Glauser
Elders Cuevas and Sill
Sisters Alvarado and Knutsen
Elders Bowman, DeHoyos, and Miller
We are starting our 2nd round of Zone Conferences. They are so much fun. This time we are doing 2 Zones together for a combined conference. The first one was with the McLean and Oakton Zones. It was held at the Oakton Stake Center.
President Albright is teaching them about positive thoughts and how it affects their missionary work and every part of their lives.He taught them about the power of positive affirmations. In Preach My Gospel there is a whole page of these statements. Each day they are to say things like "I am a great missionary". "I am a powerful teacher", "I love my companion" , "I find joy and satisfaction in my work" "I have personal prayer each day". I think they have really enjoyed this presentation. Our Assistant have put together a great presentation on "Teaching a Masterpiece". They are so creative. Then they play a game called "Defending the Spirit" which is lots of fun. Then the 4 zone leaders: Elders Elton, Langi, Esplin, & Sill gave powerful presentations on becoming spiritual giants. What outstanding young men. My presentation focuses on the blessings that come from obedience. We discuss the story of Naaman and the idea of following simple and easy rules. I use this quote, from Pres. Ezra Taft Benson, "When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power." The blessing attached to obedience is having the spirit with us, which is necessary for all missionary work.
We had a wonderful lunch time when we get to visit and watch all the missionaries have fun together. When the missionaries stand in a big semicircle and sing "Called to Serve" for the Relief Society Sisters who make lunch my heart just swells. It is an incredible sight and sound. After lunch we go to the chapel and have talks and testimonies and musical numbers. Today 4 Sisters performed together. Sisters Jacobsen, Hahn, and Bay sang and Sister Lau accompanied them. They sounded like angels. During this portion of the meeting the spirit bears witness to me that these are God's elect out here serving the Lord.
I can't wait to come and see you! Wow, that new convert is so amazing. I hope my boys are that amazing. love you