These same Elders were out tracting today and visited with a woman at her door. They had printed up some maps to the church house and invited her to church on Sunday. They asked her what she would like to get out of church and to write it on the back of the map. She did and they told her to come on Sunday and see if she finds her answer. Then they prayed with her at her door.
These young men are really valiant. They constantly amaze me with their fortitude and the spirit they carry with them as they go from door to door with the Gospel message. Elders Gannaway and Gifford remind me of Alma and Ammon and other Book of Mormon missionaries who labored with such love and devotion to the work. Thank you Elders for your incredible example of what a missionary should be.
We have many missionaries who work with this same determination and spirit. Heavenly Father must love them all so much for this great work they are performing. " How great shall be their joy if they bring save one soul into the kingdom."
Thank you or expanding the story. Elder Gifford wrote a shorter version of this story in his letter home last week but it is nice to get more details. I have found that sometimes men leave the good stuff out and get right down to business when they share things so thanks for remembering the good stuff.