This meeting is a very special one. Everyone is excited for all the transfers taking place. This time it involved about 60 companionships and therefore 120 missionaries. We always being with song, prayer and spiritual thought. Then it is time for the luggage switch. This is when they all go to the parking lot and make the switch of luggage to the cars with their new companions. The pictures are of some of that excitement taking place. The new Missionaries are introduced to their first companions or Trainers as they are called. To be called to be a Trainer is a special compliment because it is important that new missionaries are put with the best so they get off to a good start and learn to be the best missionaries they can from the example set by their trainer. Our three are: Sister Funch with Sister Downey, Elder Kirkham with Elder Wilkes and Elder Wethington with Elder Hunt. I know they will all love their new companions.
After the transfers are completed everyone returns to the chapel where they take a few minutes to say goodbye to the departing missionaries and the trainers and trainees get a few instructions.
We then assemble for another great meeting. I present the new missionaries to everyone and any other guests that are present. At this meeting we had Elder Wiggins family who have come to pick him up from his mission. The departing missionaries each give a piece of advice and a testimony. Today we only had 3. Elder Shapiro, Elder Wiggins, and Elder Magura(a service missionary). This is always very touching since this is their last time with all their mission companions before going home. We always have touching musical numbers that really bring th spirit. Elder Nickel sang "His Hands' which is a favorite song of mine. Elder Gifford said it best when Elder Nickel finished. "That was beautiful,I'm sure a father would be proud".
Next, I got to introduce the theme for the meeting. "Being POWERFUL missionaries." And I specifically spoke on the power of Love and Charity and how it motivates all missionary work. Elder Gifford spoke about the power of your covenants and Elder Gannaway spoke about the power to choose. They are both gifted speakers. They are so creative and had made a very fun video about missionary power. When they clicked their pens in the video they became very powerful at their work. But, they told them that according to D&C 58 "The Power is in them".
President then gave a POWERFUL talk on making this a powerful transfer.
Next, our senior zone leaders each gave Power Statements.
Elder Lieppman -Power of locking your Heart on the Lord
Elder Redford- Power of Preparation
Elder Ross- Power of Humility
Elder Shattuck - Power Hour of finding
Elder Sill -Power of Personal Conversion
Elder Hardy- Power of Goals/Planning
Elder Elton - Power of Diligence
Elder Withers - Power of Key Indicators
Elder Newton - Power of Living language /life (he is our new Spanish Assistant
Elder Shapiro who is departing tomorrow has become a favorite in the mission for performing musical numbers. He has truly been blessed with an incredible voice. He then sang "I Have Seen Him". He had pretty much all the sisters in tears. I hope he continues to use his voice and pursues his dreams in music.
We concluded with song and prayer.
I remember once upon a time, as an office elder in Mision Peru Lima Norte, how busy the office would get at transfer time. It was like Grand Central Station at rush hour – all of the missionaries coming and going, constantly running into old companions and other friends from the mission. It was a time of joyous reunions and catchings-up, as well as hectic activity. Good for you for savoring the fun part instead of getting bogged down in the business...!