Great program, Great presentations. These missionaries are amazing.
Both zones together
Centreville zone: Front Row:a visitor leaving on a mission, Elders Thompsn, Markestein, Pres. & Sister Albright, Elder and Sister Maldonado, Elders Cook, Bodily, and Choi. Back Row: Elders Lawson, Doman, Caresia, Donaldson, Gillihan, Reeves, Gubeli, Schmidt, and LaRochelle
The Ashburn Zone: Ront: Pres & Sis A, Sisters Kohler and Baxter,Elders Hill and Bothwell,
2nd row: Elders Hutchinson, Skoker, Coleman, Bullock, Wallace, Back row: Elders Horton, Johnson, Schaelliing, Hiatt, Hall, Davie, and Buie
Pres. Albright works the room
Skill practice

Elder Lee and Williams lead the group. They ask if any one had ever been on a Road trip? and said, Now, we're going to take you on a guilt trip. Funny. Then they also asked if anyone had ever had a train wreck, or a commitment wreck? Elder Lee told about one time when he gave a commitment to someone they started laughing.. These guys are so good and the missionaries all love them.
When I gave heath instructions on 72 hour kits, the AP;s showed off their fancy ones.Easy to carry.
Elder Holmgren-Czar

4 Zone Leaders:LaRochelle, Caresia, Wallace, and Davie

Buie and Hiatt get the dirty car award
Elders Bullock and Coleman-3rd
Cook and Gubeli-2nd
Lawson and Schmidt-1st
Elder Schaelling--Ironman

Elders Coleman, Stockham, Ford, Bothwell
Elders Thompson, Lee, Lawson, Bullock, Schmidt and Choi
Elders Buie, Caresia, LaRochelle, Gubeli, Davie, Wallace, Skoker, Hall, and Hiatt
Elders Hill, Horton, Schaelling, and Williams
Elders Gubeli, Bodily, Reeves, Cook and Johnson
Elder Markestein, Hutchinson, Gillihan, Donaldson, and Doman
The Maldonados and sisters Baxter and Kohler

Elders Wallace and Bothwell sang a musical Number. Good job elders.

Much thanks for providing and maintaining this site. It's great to have another perspective into our son's missionary experience and it allows us to appreciate even more the sacrifice that you and these young people make to keep the work moving forward.
ReplyDeleteBob & Anne LaRochelle
Kirtland Ohio Stake